Sunday, September 08, 2024  |


Networks prepare media blitz, Floyd Mayweather Jr. already there

Fighters Network
Floyd Mayweather Jr. reflects on being Floyd Mayweather Jr. (Photo: Facebook)

Floyd Mayweather Jr. reflects on being Floyd Mayweather Jr. (Photo: Facebook)

Confession: As I am not a “car guy” and additionally do not find myself being impressed with stacks of cash being waved about, nor swayed by the announcement of the purchase of a new Bentley or what have you being added to the booty bounty, I often find myself being out of the loop when it comes to what is going on in the life of Floyd Mayweather Jr.

That is not necessarily to my credit; as a reporter, I am duty-bound to not only traffic in the subjects which appeal to me, but also to those I am “meh” about, or even find distasteful.

That preamble aside, I dug into a couple of the recent quickie videos put out by Team Floyd which are meant to promote “The Clash for All the Cash,” his May 2 Super Bowl of boxing battle with the Congressman from the Philippines, Manny Pacquiao.

In the next couple weeks, we the media will be taking part in media workouts and conference calls, from April 14-22, and Showtime has already announced that a four-part documercial series will debut on April 18. An HBO source tells me they will announce their own slate of promo video material next week. But until then, the hype dynamic has largely been Manny and Coach Freddie Roach having select media members to the Wild Card, to watch and do chats, and to a lesser degree, Floyd having select media to his Mayweather Gym to check out his work and shoot the bull. The 38-year-old Mayweather (47-0, 26 knockouts) is more keen on getting his message out on his own terms, at his own time, and that includes putting out a video a day on his multiple platforms for social media.

I didn’t not enjoy some of what I saw in the March 26 offering, and nodded in appreciation for Floyd’s sentimental side when he popped a cassette tape – kids, go to Wikipedia to look that up, I’m not gonna school ya – into the deck of his ’96 Mercedes. ’96, the year he debuted as a pro. Yes, he has a sentimental side, and I think he indulges in it to help him stay focused. His lonegvity is a point of pride to the man, and he periodically reminds himself of how far he has come in life, and how long he has been able to stay running at prime peak.

The car, he tells us, has been well taken care of, hasn’t been run into the ground at all, much like the boxer. The car, 30,000 miles on it … Floyd, it remains to be seen, as, in theory, he could turn “old” overnight and look a true 38 come May 2.

Next, Floyd tells us it’s 4:45 AM, and plugs his Money Team phone covers. “It’s all about bringing the fans into my world,” he tells us. And, I guess, beseeching them to buy a plastic knick-knack when they get there. (You can tell there is a bit of the Ralph Nader with a mini-Marxist side to me, LOL?)

Then, Mayweather tells us he sometimes feels bad when he ambles about and he doesn’t feel like signing autographs or posing for pics. That’s because he sometimes wants to take the time out just for himself, and/or his daughter, who he says deserves undivided attention. Fair ’nuff. I support his public stance that he relishes his time with and reveres his children. That sort of messaging I always embrace..

Next, he reports that camp has been good. “I’m happy and I’m pretty sure my father is happy, and everything’s going great,” says the pugilist-specialist who seeks to prove to the legion of doubters that he ducks no one, and is The Best Ever, come May 2.

Follow the New York resident Woods, who finally tossed out his batch of cassettes in 2011, on Twitter.